/ The Nosotras club, its influence on dominican culture

The Nosotras club, its influence on dominican culture




How to Cite

Hernández Núñez, Ángela. 2017. “The Nosotras Club, Its Influence on Dominican Culture”. Journal ECOSUASD 24 (14):97-143. https://doi.org/10.51274/ecos.v24i14.pp97-143.







The Nosotras Club, founded in 1927, was chosen to emphasize the importance of the pioneering work of feminism in the country. It highlights the notable and little known influence of this cultural entity in various areas of the Dominican Republic. And how, out of this, arose the Dominican Feminist Action, organization that deployed a wide and intense work in almost all the national geography. There is also a sample of the reactions unleashed around feminism and feminists. It presents the overview in which this fruitful movement was undermined by Trujillo´s tyranny from the beginnings of the regime. It also details the relevance of the Fémina magazine, founded in 1922 in San Pedro de Macorís, its contributions and avatars.



feminism, Dominican Republic, women's rights, liberation movements


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