/ Philosophical and social legacy of the october revolution 1917 in Russia

Philosophical and social legacy of the october revolution 1917 in Russia


  • Rafael Baéz Bisonó

    Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), Dominican Republic



How to Cite

Baéz Bisonó, Rafael. 2018. “Philosophical and Social Legacy of the October Revolution 1917 in Russia”. Journal ECOSUASD 25 (15):77-86. https://doi.org/10.51274/ecos.v25i15.pp77-86.







The article emphasizes that for the year 1852 Marx´s contributions consisted in: That the existence of classes is linked with certain historical phases of production. That the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat and that this dictatorship is no more than a transition to a classless society. In the historical process of the Marxism´s philosophy formation, there are two fundamental phases: The passage of Marx and Engels from idealism and revolutionary democratism to dialectical materialism and scientific communism that culminated at the beginning of 1844. It concludes by demonstrating how the Russian revolutionary process led by Lenin, that culminated with the triumph of the October Revolution, served as a laboratory to demonstrate the transformative effectiveness of the proletariat´s ideology elaborated by Karl Marx.


social movements, working class, Marxism, materialism, Russia


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Lenin, V. I. Obras completas T. 2, Akal Editores, Madrid, 1978.

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María Paula García (editora) El amor y la mujer nueva. Argentina, Ediciones Mala Junta, 2017.

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Author Biography

Rafael Baéz Bisonó, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), Dominican Republic

The article emphasizes that for the year 1852 Marx´s contributions consisted in: That the existence of classes is linked with certain historical phases of production. That the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat and that this dictatorship is no more than a transition to a classless society. In the historical process of the Marxism´s philosophy formation, there are two fundamental phases: The passage of Marx and Engels from idealism and revolutionary democratism to dialectical materialism and scientific communism that culminated at the beginning of 1844. It concludes by demonstrating how the Russian revolutionary process led by Lenin, that culminated with the triumph of the October Revolution, served as a laboratory to demonstrate the transformative effectiveness of the proletariat´s ideology elaborated by Karl Marx.