Among the innovations with the greatest theoretical and political impact emanating from the experience of the October Revolution, its treatment of the problem of nationalities whose cornerstone was the principle of self-determination stands out. In the context of a territory as extensive and diverse as Russia, the intention to reorganize the country was highly complex, keeping that mosaic of nations and cultures linked, even more so considering the international and class nature of the revolution in progress. In this reflection the balance of that experience is made starting from the theoretical postulates contributed by the Bolshevik leadership on the nation and the national problem and its relation with the socialist revolution. On that basis the process of constitution of the Soviet state model is focused, ideas are advanced on the historical successes verified in that experience and questions.
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Vilar, Pierre. Palabras de presentación a la edición en España de las Obras Completas de Stalin, Madrid: Vanguardia Obrera, 1984.
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