/ Excommunication of the father of the nation Juan Pablo Duarte and its consequences

Excommunication of the father of the nation Juan Pablo Duarte and its consequences


  • Argelia Tejada Yangüela

    Bowling Green State University, de Ohio, EE. UU.



How to Cite

Tejada Yangüela, Argelia. 2013. “Excommunication of the Father of the Nation Juan Pablo Duarte and Its Consequences”. Journal ECOSUASD 20 (12):39-96. https://doi.org/10.51274/ecos.v20i12.pp39-96.







In the Dominican Republic, the struggle for the separation from Haiti (1822-1844) which occupied the country less than three months after its independence from Spain (1821), created an odd alliance of Conservatives and Liberals. The alliance was needed to keep the Haitian army out of Dominican territory, which the revolutionary group was unable to accomplish by itself. On February 27, 1844, the Trinitarians proclaimed the Independence of the Dominican Republic and 3 days later created a Governing Board, which immediately suffered a governance crisis due to the opposing political goals of its members. The Liberals, led by Juan Pablo Duarte, struggled for a democratic, sovereign nation, while the Conservatives wanted to annex the country to a foreign power. The Roman Church played a decisive role in the triumph of the Conservatives and the pacification of the population, when on July 24, 1844, the head of the Catholic Church, Tomas de Portes, issued a Pastoral Letter, decreeing major excommunication against those who opposed the Conservative Governing Board and its supreme leader Pedro Santana. The lengthy letter of excommunication, loaded with fear and threats from a revengeful god, resulted in the persecution and exile of the Founder of the Nation and his revolutionary followers. The Church and academic institutions have kept the Pastoral out of school textbooks and public debate, recently initiated thanks to the Internet.


national history, historiography, independence, Haiti, Dominican Republic


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