/ Bernardo Correa y Cidrón


This biography includes the most controversial stages of Bernardo Correa y Cidrón, priest of great culture who was born in Santo Domingo, in 1757. Due to the Treaty of Basel, and considered loyal to the Spanish crown, Correa y Cidrón went to Cuba in 1798, being one of the first to return. Soon he turned into one of the most ardent Francophiles, becoming a French citizen. He was representative of the French power in Spain. There he was arrested and tried for treason. He returned to the country and was against the Reconquest like all Frenchified. According to his biographer, citing José Gabriel Garcia who analyzes the behavior of Frenchified as one of the first political demonstrations of media Dominican leaders in pursuit of their interests when he says: “Being on top became their primary motto”. This way of proceeding was a forerunner of the conservative movement that swept the media leaders for decades from which Correa y Cidrón was his main intellectual representative. By 1820 Correa y Cidrón was again Spanish and had no dissimulation or subterfuge to be a candidate for the Liberal Party to the deputation of Cádiz. In self-defense he wrote a personal plea of the Vindication of August 26, 1820 which constituted his most famous text. Before anything else he was a Catholic, and this made him ratify the fidelity to a monarchy that prided itself on being universal standard bearer of Catholicism.


religion, Church-State relationship, politics, conservatism


Cassá, Roberto. Biografías sumarias de los diputados de Santo Domingo en las Cortes españolas. Santo Domingo: Archivo General de la Nación; 2013.

Correa y Cidrón, Bernardo. Vindicaciones y apologías. Santo Domingo: Archivo General de la Nación; 2009.

García, José Gabriel. Compendio de la historia de Santo Domingo. 4 vols. Santo Domingo: Ediciones Ahora; 1968.

–––––. Rasgos biográficos de dominicanos célebres. Santo Domingo:

Academia Dominicana de la Historia; 1971.

Incháustegui, J. Marino. Documentos para estudio. 2 vols. Buenos Aires: Academia Dominicana de la Historia; 1957.

Nouel, Carlos. Historia eclesiástica de la Arquidiócesis de Santo Domingo. 3 vols. Santo Domingo: Sociedad Dominicana de Bibliófilos; 1979.

Rodríguez Demorizi, Emilio. La imprenta y los primeros periódicos en Santo Domingo. Ciudad Trujillo: Imprenta San Francisco; 1944.

–––––. La Era de Francia en Santo Domingo. Ciudad Trujillo: Academia

Dominicana de la Historia; 1955.

–––––. Invasiones haitianas de 1801, 1805 y 1822. Ciudad Trujillo: Academia Dominicana de la Historia; 1955.