This essay includes an overview of the relationship of the Catholic Church with the State after the signing of the Concordat in 1954, between the Dominican Government and the Vatican. It ends in 1968 when the Second Latin American Episcopal Conference takes place in Medellin, where the Catholic Church, with its option for the poor, begins a new stage in all Latin America. During the period 1954 to 1968 the church went through a delicate Stage. There were times when the church had to work hard to counter the influence of Marxists and Evangelicals in the country. The article tries to answer the question: What time does the Dominican Catholic church cease to legitimize the state power and passes to meet its social function? It is also analyzed whether the changes experienced in the Dominican Catholic Church were the reflection of Vatican policy changes or otherwise were the reflection of the socio-political evolution of the Dominican church. Part of the anticommunist struggle of the church, the support for the coup of 1963 and the North American intervention in 1965 is shown. The struggle of the church along with the peasantry is analyzed as well, and finally, the impact of the Second Conference of CELAM in the Dominican Catholic Church.
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