At the beginning of the 16th century, the economy of the Spanish colony of Santo Domingo depended on gold mining supported by native labor that was not profitable. As this population died out, it forced the Spanish conqueror-colonizer to introduce black Africans as slaves to work in the mines, sugar production, and other productive tasks. The first slaves introduced were Christianized born in the Iberian Peninsula, then the negro bosals brought directly from Africa. Forced labor, mistreatment, among other aspects, gave rise to the escape and emergence of Maroon leaders, being the most prominent Sebastián Lemba, whom along with his men caused considerable damage to the slave owners. The dispersal of fugitives through the mountains generated persecution. The persecutors had two fundamental objectives: first, the capture of the rebels who were seeking refuge; second, the destruction of the palenques where they lived. Despite the setbacks in the uprisings, their persistence and plan of action fighting for freedom that was denied to them extended until the end of the 18th century.
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