/ Central American and Caribbean migration to Chicago, the cases of the “Northern Triangle” countries and the Dominican Republic, Part II

Central American and Caribbean migration to Chicago, the cases of the “Northern Triangle” countries and the Dominican Republic, Part II




How to Cite

Guzmán, Oscar Alatriste. 2020. “Central American and Caribbean Migration to Chicago, the Cases of the ‘Northern Triangle’ Countries and the Dominican Republic, Part II”. Journal ECOSUASD 27 (20):57-69. https://doi.org/10.51274/ecos.v27i20.pp57-69.







Based on the demographic, quantitative and statistical information available for recent years, the characteristics of the growth and composition of the Latino population in the U.S., particularly in Chicago, are analyzed. The political causes that have caused the expulsion of migrants from the Northern Triangle countries to the United States, such as instability, corruption, persecution and violence unleashed by the proliferation of gangs; and, in the case of the Dominican Republic, of those of an economic nature, are counted. The policies of the US and Mexico of the last governments that have been aimed at alleviating the Central American crisis situation, preventing and stopping the migratory flow of Central Americans to the U.S. are described. The qualities of the Chicago metropolitan area for international migration are explained, particularly for Latin America, and a demographic overview of the Latin American presence in Chicago is presented, particularly that of those from El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic, as well as a historical one of its presence in the city.


Migration, immigration, Central America, demography, Dominican Republic, Chicago


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