/ Notes to Llerena’s Entremés as a foundational myth of Dominican theater

Notes to Llerena’s Entremés as a foundational myth of Dominican theater




How to Cite

Morla, Rafael S. 2021. “Notes to Llerena’s Entremés As a Foundational Myth of Dominican Theater”. Journal ECOSUASD 28 (21):37-48. https://doi.org/10.51274/ecos.v28i21.pp37-48.







This article studies the place of Cristobal de Llerena’s Entremés in Hispanic America’s theatrical history. It analyzes how authors who have studied this short play, written in 1588, have created a myth around it which disregards significant critical aspects such as the absence of autochthonous elements, the silence around the colonial period’s slave system and the misogynistic ideas contained in the play. The article situates the Entremés in its historical context, emphasizing the economic and social situation of the time, and from there, it recovers some critical voices to the hegemonic vision of the Entremés. The article questions the contribution of the Entremés to the Dominican and Latin American theater and demonstrates the inaccuracy of many ideas about the myth. It proposes, from a decolonial perspective, a critical way of reading the contribution of Llerena to Dominican theater distancing from the apologetic discourses that has made this work an unquestionable bastion of an important moment of the cultural history of the island.


entremés, colonial period, myth, apologetic, slave system, indigenism, Africanism, autochthonous elements, decolonial thought


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Author Biography

Rafael S. Morla, Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), Dominican Republic

Rafael Morla de la Rosa, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Graduated from the National School of Dramatic Art, Santo Domingo. Graduated from the National School of Dance, Santo Domingo. Degree in Philosophy from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo. Master in Performing Arts at the Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid. PhD candidate in Humanities at the Carlos III University, Madrid. Playwright with several plays published and performed in Santo Domingo, Madrid and Chicago.