/ History of the province of Santiago Rodriguez. Political evolution and economic specificities

History of the province of Santiago Rodriguez. Political evolution and economic specificities




How to Cite

Báez Bisonó, Rafael. 2021. “History of the Province of Santiago Rodriguez. Political Evolution and Economic Specificities”. Journal ECOSUASD 28 (22):89-101. https://doi.org/10.51274/ecos.v28i22.pp89-101.







Santiago Rodríguez is one of the 32 provinces of the Dominican Republic and is in the northwest of the country, in the Cibao sub-region, known as the northwest line. Its capital is the city of San Ignacio de Sabaneta. The entrance of the municipality cabecera is adorned by a monument to the heroes of the uprising of Sabaneta, on February 22, 1863. Santiago Rodríguez, José Cabrera, Ignacio Reyes, Alejandro Bueno, José Marte, Francisco Suriel, Pedro Tomás, Manuel de Jesús Núñez, José Gómez, Ambrosio Echavarría, Nicolás Fortuna and Francisco Fortuna. The process of formation of Sabaneta took place in the decade of the 40 of the XIX century. This town continued threshing the road of progress and for the year 1855 the law number 567 of September 27 elevates that common community of Santiago with the name of Sabaneta. When acquiring Monte Cristi, the status of province in 1879, Sabane- ta changes of jurisdiction, happening to belong to the new province.


Sabaneta, Restauración, Cuna, Capotillo, Héroes


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Author Biography

Rafael Báez Bisonó, Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), Dominican Republic

Rafael Baez Bisono
Doctor of Philosophy from the Moscow State University in 1985. He is currently an adjunct professor at the School of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD). He has published articles and essays focused on the subject of ethics and morals, which allows connecting philosophy with social and anthropological problems. He is a founding member of the Dominican Association of Philosophy (ADOFIL). [email protected] / ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5380-8749