Rules for authors

Characteristics and Norms for Publications in the ECOSUASD Journal

In order to preserve the identity of the publication, in accordance with its professional and academic profile, the following regulations are established for the authors to take into account as presentation requirements for publication in the journal. In addition, this document specifies the authority exercised by the specialists in charge of the evaluation and review of the articles before they are approved for publication.

Submission requirements

a) The articles must be original and unpublished.

b) The scientific articles should have the following structure: introduction (justification of the object of study and objectives), methodology, analysis and interpretation of the results, conclusions and references.

c) The text should be in Word, Times New Roman font, 12 points, with 1.5 line spacing and 3 cm margins (top, bottom, left and right). It should not have words at the end of the line, tabs or page breaks.

d) The maximum length of the text (without bibliography) should not exceed 20,000 words. The editorial committee reserves the right to accept papers that exceed this limit.

e) Graphic material (tables, charts, diagrams, photographs, maps, art reproductions) will be accepted only when they duly illustrate the subject matter. The sources of origin must be specified (author, book and page, both in physical and electronic support). In the case that they are self-made, it must be specified, in addition to the source of the data used.

f) The first page of the text should be the title page, which should include the title, name of the author(s) (omitting academic degrees) and institutional affiliation.

g) Next, on the cover itself, a brief author's note may be added with additional information: if the text is linked to a research project, if the research was sponsored by an academic institution, etc. This note should include contact information (institutional and personal e-mail, telephone and home address) and the ORCID identification number.

h) After the cover page, the summary or abstract should be included, in Spanish and English, no longer than 150 words, summarizing the main ideas to be developed in the body of the document.

i) Following the abstract, the key words should be entered in Spanish and in English to facilitate the location of the digital version on the Internet. These words must be accepted in the UNESCO Thesaurus.

j) Papers should be sent in computer support through the OJS tool, which can be found at the following link:


To do so, you must register as an author. The file will be uploaded without identification data in order to send it to external reviewers (peer review or double-blind).


- The critical apparatus of the text should follow the Chicago style, 17th edition of 2017.

- Footnotes should be set in Times New Roman font, 10 point, and in French paragraph (no indentation the first line and the rest indented by half an inch).

- The sources of the in-text citations will go as a note, both at the foot and at the end of the chapter, part or the book, according to the number of notes. In these, the author is cited in the following order: name and surname. Next, the title of the source and the pages where the citation is located. The rest of the bibliographic information will appear in the final bibliography. The abbreviations used for citations can be used: ob. cit., ed. cit., ídem, ibíd., etc.

As Moya Pons1 expressed with respect to national history...

            1Frank Moya Pons. El oro en la historia dominicana, 51-52.

- If, due to the needs of the text, it is necessary to reflect the editorial data in the note, we proceed as follows: the name of the author exactly as it appears in the book cited, the title of the work in italics; in parenthesis, the country where it was published, the publishing institution and the year, and after the closing parenthesis, the pages consulted in case they have not been specified in the text.

       Frank Moya Pons. El oro en la historia dominicana (Santo Domingo: Academia Dominicana de la                 Historia, 2016), 51-52.

- In the bibliography the order of the author's name is reversed. First the surname and then the first name (both separated by a comma).

e.g.: Cassá, Roberto. Movimientos y memorias. Santo Domingo: Archivo General de la Nación, volume CCCLXXXIII, 2020.

- In the case that the work cited has two authors, the names of the authors are cited in the order in which they appear in the original text. In footnotes the rule referring to works by an author is followed. In the bibliography, the surname and first name of the first author will be written, followed by a comma, the conjunction "and" and then the name and surname of the second author.

- In the case of multi-authored works, compilations, and organizations, follow the rules described by Chicago seventeenth edition.

- In the citations of periodical publications (magazines, newspapers, bulletins) within the text, these are specified in a note: name and surname of the author, title of the book in italics and the pages where the citation is located.

        According to Esteban Deive…1

        1 Carlos Esteban Deive. “El cimarronaje en la colonia española en Santo Domingo”.  Ecos: 9-40.

- In the bibliography, periodicals are cited as follows: Author's first and last name, full title of the article in quotation marks, name of the publication in italics, volume or year, number: page cited.

          Esteban Deive, Carlos. “El cimarronaje en la colonia española de Santo

         Domingo”. Ecos UASD, year XXVIII, Vol. 2, No. 20 (julio-diciembre 2020): 9-40.

- Documents from archives will be cited as follows in the notes: Person or issuing entity, the addressee (if any), the place and date of issuance, the name of the collection or section containing the document, the site where the archive is located and the city, the files and folios.

Carta del cabildo de Santo Domingo a su majestad, Santo Domingo, 25 de marzo de 1573. Archivo General de Indias (AGI), Santo Domingo 73, ramo II, doc. 59ª.

In subsequent citations:

         Carta del Cabildo de Santo Domingo a su majestad, Santo Domingo 1573, AGI.

- Newspapers are cited in this order: name of the newspaper in italics, place of publication, date, page.

               La Nación, Santo Domingo, 25 de febrero de 1940, p. 8.

- In case of an interview, identify the person interviewed, the interviewer, place and date of the interview.

- Electronic journals within the text are cited as follows:

In parentheses, the author's last name and the year of publication; in the bibliography, the author's last name should be placed first and then the name, the article´s name followed by a period, the name of the journal, number, followed by a comma and the website (URL) where it was found, and in parentheses the date it was consulted.

- When electronic books are cited within the text, a colon is placed and in parentheses the surname(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication. In the bibliography, the surname(s) and first name(s) of the author(s), the year of publication and the name of the book, separated by a period and the web page (URL) where it was consulted.

- The references of Web sites, when pages are consulted on the Internet, must include: author of the content, title of the page, title or owner of the site and URL.

- In the case of unpublished theses or any other reference not mentioned in these rules, please refer to the rules of Chicago style seventeenth edition.

- Regarding the writing of the work, it is recommended that the authors use inclusive and non-sexist language. It is advisable to consult the guide of good practices for an inclusive use of language. Please consult: and

The editorial management and the proofreader reserve the right to make any style corrections deemed necessary after consultation with the author, when deemed prudent and necessary for the edition of the journal.