Editirial Policy

Submission of Original Papers

ECOSUASD receives and accepts for evaluation original works, throughout the year, on topics of Dominican and Caribbean history. The journal has a team of national and foreign reviewers responsible for peer review under anonymity of all texts received. The authors of the accepted articles will commit themselves not to publish these works in other media until the publication of ECOSUASD. Contributions can be sent through the online system ECOSUASD (OJS).

The content of articles and reviews are the sole responsibility of the authors.

Peer review policy

• By the Editorial Board and secondly by two external reviewers using the "double-blind" referee review system.

• The Editorial Board may reject an article, without the need to proceed to its evaluation when it considers that it does not meet the standards, both in terms of form and content, or it does not fit the thematic profile of the publication.

• After this preliminary analysis, all articles will be submitted to an external review process according to the "peer" and "double blind" system in which at least two reviewers external to the journal will participate, and a third one will be used if necessary.

• Methodological reviews will be used for the review of certain articles.

• The reviewers will be researchers of recognized prestige, specialists in the subject and/or theme analyzed. The anonymity of both the author and the reviewers will be maintained; nevertheless, the lists of external reviewers who have collaborated with the journal in previous years will be published periodically, with prior personal authorization.

• The reviewers are external to the Publishing Entity and the Editorial Board. Their evaluation will be binding for decision making.

• The evaluation of each manuscript requires the report of two experts. In case of discrepancy, the Editor may request the review of a third evaluator.

• The Editorial Board will make the decision, taking into account the external reports, on the publication or rejection of each article.

• The authors will be informed of the definitive acceptance or rejection of the article.

• The dates of receipt and approval of the article will be indicated in each published article.

• The authors have the possibility of suggesting names of possible reviewers.

Open Access Policy

ECOSUASD follows the guidelines of the movement of free access to scientific information and free online research since these guidelines benefit the open exchange of ideas and the global exchange of knowledge and historical ideas. Therefore, this journal provides full access to its texts without restrictions for users and readers who can read, download, store, print and disseminate its contents.

The process of reception, evaluation, revision and publication of texts is free for researchers interested in publishing in our journal. Thus, the dissemination of works in this journal is not for commercial purposes; however, authors and readers must always cite the original source and the intellectual paternity of the author(s) of the work reviewed.

Echoes is licensed under Creative Commons license. This license for ECOSUASD means acknowledgment - non-commercial - share: CC-BY-NC SA

Plagiarism detection policy

ECOSUASD is committed to complying with all national and international ethical standards in the process of editing texts in this journal. Texts that have been previously published in print or digital format will not be accepted or published. Authors must present works that are the product of a rigorous and transparent research process that has followed the ethical principles of creation and research. Authors will assume responsibility for the text submitted for publication in this journal and must declare the existence or not of conflicts of interest with respect to the text submitted and also ensure that the data expressed are true and of their authorship. ECOSUASD will submit the works to an anti-plagiarism evaluation using the Plag.es program.

Editorial Standards

The mission of the Institute of History is "to promote and develop historical research at the national and international level, with a critical and humanistic vision that contributes to the improvement of teaching in the values established by the University, achieving the development of a critical historical conscience in Dominican society". Since 1993, the Institute of History has published the journal ECOSUASD, as an ideal channel to disseminate historical research.  It has been indexed in the LATINDEX directory since 2013.

1) ECOSUASD magazine publishes research articles, historiographical essays, book reviews and testimonies on all areas of Dominican, regional and continental history.

2) Authors agree to submit original articles that have not been published previously, nor are being considered in other publications. Whoever incurs in a fault will be called to attention by means of a communication issued by the Editorial Board. 

3) Both research articles and essays will be evaluated by two peer reviewers, using a double-blind system (anonymous for both the reviewer and the author of the text).

4) The journal undertakes to make a decision on the publication of originals within three months. It reserves the right to publish for a period of one year, accommodating the appearance of the text to the needs of the journal.

5) Authors should send their text to the institutional address of the journal or of the Institute of History in computer support (Word program or similar). They will also send an abstract of no more than 150 words in Spanish and English, plus five key words, and a brief curriculum vitae, which should not exceed 100 words. The key terms chosen by the authors must be validated by themselves in the Unesco Thesaurus.

6) Papers submitted for publication may have a maximum limit of 35 pages, single and half spaced, in Times New Roman font, or its equivalence to about 14,000 words Book reviews and testimonials may range from 5 to 8 pages.

7) References are footnoted, according to Chicago style criteria (seventh edition). For more information, see: Chicago Citation Standards.

8) Tables and graphs, when they exist, will be placed at the end of the article duly numbered and titled.

9) The bibliography will include only the authors cited in the text, will be placed at the end of the article and will follow the Chicago style.

File preservation policy

There are two methods of preserving files:

1- Through the virtualization system in the cloud that the UASD has, scheduled backups are carried out

2- It automatically makes use of the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS programs implemented by PKP Preservation Network (PKN PN) that is integrated into the Open Journal Systems (OJS).

Interoperability protocol

The ECOSUASD journal uses the OAI-PMH protocol, which can be found and consulted at the following link:


The journal ECOSUASD is a mixed journal, that is to say, printed and also distributed nationally. Authors receive five copies of the printed version.